Delivered by Dr. H. Ari Anshori, M.Ag.
Muhammadiyah Personalities are the characters and the identities of Muhammadiyah during the manifestation of the true spirit and soul. It began in the Pimpinan’s discussion which was held by central board of Muhammadiyah in Ramadhan 1381. It was attended by all of regional boards of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia. KH Fakih Oesman, one of the speakers, delivered the material: “What is Muhammadiyah?” From this point, it appeared awareness about personalities formulation to be urgently discussed.
What is Muhammadiyah?
The first Muhammadiyah is Islamic Movement, which is described in Ali-Imron: 102

That has meaning that “You who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.” This ayah convinces every mankind to have in faith only to Allah Almighty, Tauhid concept that we should obedient among His order and prevent His prohibition. The end of ayah is already order us to not do syirik or believe in another power instead of Allah.
The second Muhammadiyah is preaching movement, which is describe in An-Nahl: 125

That has meaning that “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is guided.” This ayah declares that the order to do preaching to other people is a must, but it should through the wisdom way and in the well-inform. And Allah always know every mankind which has lost in straight path and He also guarantee whom will be guided.
The third Muhammadiyah is renewal movement, which is describe in Hadits "Verily Allah will send for this ummat every end of a hundred years one who will perform tajdid (renewal) of his religion." (Narrated by Abu Dawud, 3740). The context ‘renewal’ in the term of ummat wasathan (QS.Al-Baqoroh:143) to be moderate and has the best, afdal, and equitable orientations.
The character of Muhammadiyah
1. Giving charity and struggling for peace and prosperous,
2. Make friends and practice “Ukhuwah Islamiyah”,
3. Relieved, wide view and keep up Islam’s rules,
4. Religious and sociological,
5. Obey the law, constitution and regulation also nation’s principles and philosophy,
6. Invites kindness-preventing badness in all sectors and be the good role model,
7. Active in the development of society with the aim: the development is according to Islam rules,
8. Cooperation with all of Islamic group in effort to spread and practice Islam, and also defend its interest,
9. Help government and cooperate with other groups in keeping and building the nation toward,
10. Fair and corrective inside and outside wisely.
*was delivered on MSPP opening ceremony on Yogyakarta
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