The Challenges of Indonesian Moslem

Buya Syafi’I Ma’arif

The Challenges that being face of Ummah now in the world is:
1. Stop thinking critically
2. Domestic problem that being brought in Islam as an unity

The grand concept of Islam as the mercy of all of creatures and the Khalifah in the world is never be digging out anymore. The true spirit of Ahmad Dahlan as a founding father of Muhammadiyah nowadays can not be implement in social life.

Islam as Rahmatan lil’alamin
We live in the rooted feudalism culture that makes us not confident and being pessimist on our nation’s destiny. We should knew the meaning of Islam as rahmatan lil’alamin to implemented it well, as we can see in Al-Baqoroh:143:
Ummatan Wasathan is a Rahmatan Lil’Alamin Mission. It is an honor for Muslims, because Allah has declared that this people are considered to be Ummatan Washatan (mid-race) or moderate ummah. They are people who are fair, people who are anti to all extremism attitudes and actions that exceed the limit, people who are able to make mid stance as an option to live in every line of thinking, ways of worship, and Muslims have proved that the content of the teachings contained in the Holy Quran has been a tremendous guideline to organize and pursue a better and a meaningful life. Apostle‟s hadits have been able to provide inspiration and guidance that can make this nation run steadily with its role in the world stage. Muslim becomes the most admired and respected beings within eight centuries. At that time, Muslims became “high priest” of the civilization who served fresh menu for human life. Islamic moderation has spawned a great civilization with a spectrum, astounding world. The rules of Islamic teachings that show moderation in the most beautiful format have made it very easy to be accepted by every layer of the human being.

The Unity of Knowledge
The knowledge is not totally and purely the product of the human mind and experience but is also based on revealed truth. Knowledge continuously requires direction, supervision and confirmation from the revealed truth. This is so because the metaphysics of Islam is not only based upon reason and experience but also firmly grounded upon The Greatest Powerful God decision that being recite on Holy Qur’an.

The differences have caused the deviation by human in using science to their lives. One is, western advance in science that they have in the conduct of colonialism and imperialism. The impact is destroyed the whole community life, as such social, culture, politics educations, etc.

*was delivered on MSPP Opening Session on Yogyakarta

How Can We Contribute?

Ahmad Norma Permata, M.Phil.

ETIC : External, objective
EMIC : Internal, Subjective
REFLEXIVE : Agent’s view

Muhammadiyah Cadre classification by Abdul Munir Mulkhan
Muhammadiyah has another interesting thing, Muhammadiyah is a democratic Islamic movement proved 4 types of citizens in the body of Muhammadiyah, as according to Abdul Munir Mulkhan is describes as
1. Al Ikhlas;
Al Iklhas identified with Muhammadiyah citizens who renewal minded, conservative, exclusive and hard-oriented legal jurisprudence of black and white.
2. Kiai Dahlan,
Kiai Dahlan is a term for Muhammadiyah people who put renewal fatwa as the ideal norm, invite others to follow renewal fatwa with mau'idlah hasanah.
3. MuNU (Muhammadiyah NU)
Munu (Muhammadiyah NU) is a term for Muhammadiyah citizens who think and organize Muhammadiyah model but live in NU,
4. Marmud (Marhaenis Muhammadiyah).
Marmud (Marhaenis Muhammadiyah) is a term for Muhammadiyah citizens who think and organize Muhammadiyah model but live by pure tradition. The types of Muhammadiyah citizens do not mutually exclude each other, but complement each other and work together.

Ideological Contribution
1. Establishing
set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis.
2. Institution arising
develop and function in a pattern of social self-organization beyond conscious intentions of the individuals involved.
3. Ruling
When an ideology became the directive to give a way of life.
4. Exploiting
Turn people to unite in the core of ideology.
When the organization begin bigger and richer, many people want to join Muhammadiyah because financial reason.

The thread of Muhammadiyah nowadays is taking advantages of Muhammadiyah only. BUt the professional contribution of a member is to have leadership character which are stated in:
1. Creative Thinking (academically, by brought ideas in every Muktamar)
Muhammadiyah agent need to produce better agents to solve social problem. After Muktamar pass down the development renewal knowledge
A. How to collect infaq more efficient and effectively.
2. Leadership, not only professional one but also in Religious Movement
3. Networking
External relationship would be an important homework of Muhammadiyah.

* was delivered on MSPP Opening Session on Yogyakarta

Work Ethic in Muhammadiyah

was delivered by Mrs. Muamaroh, Ph.D.

The basic of Understanding of Work Ethic in Muhammadiyah is based on goal/vision/mission in the Organization. It is stated Holy Qur’an surah Ali Imron: 104 to pursue the kindness and to prevent the badness. The word ‘ethic’ has meaning way of life, based on attitude-manners, critical thinking, and always do the best.

The kinds of work ethic of Muhammadiyah Cadre are worshiping Allah, trusteeship, and God’s mercy which the three of those have to do by sincere heart. Worshiping Allah by being the good agent of ‘amar ma’ruf nahi munkar’ is the key. We have to be a good agent in every man we met, not only the Muhammadiyah Cadre but also the all mankind because Muhammadiyah is not an ‘elite’ Movement that should be paid attention.

The Muhammadiyah Cadre has to have a clear goal/objective because its seen as an Allah’s order to become Kholifah in the world and the best creatures of Allah and also become khoirukum anfaum linnas (the benefit of others). It is convinced that people always have their obligation to being the true Moslem anywhere.

The Muhammadiyah Cadre should have some future plannings to continue the preaching system of Ahmad Dahlan, we should have an agenda book to write the planning clearly, step to step should be done with evaluation regularly without never procrastinating. The evaluation is always needed when we do the next step.

According to the limited time of life, the Moslem should can manage it with do the activity best, have position in professional work and have the mission to Organization. The next is build networking and be simple as we prioritized the urgent one.

On Qauniyah ayahs stated that The universe and mankind can not be separated. The whole universe give us benefit and we should do the best of environmental conservation. The balance life of the mankind and the nature have an important role in our life.

As an agent of Muhammadiyah Cadre, in anywhere we are, we should contribute for human needs, the mustadh’afin handling is the only example of Ahmad Dahlan in the first nomenclature of Muhammadiyah stand point. We have to always just do and give that we can serve in everybody to implement the true spirit of Ahmad Dahlan and Muhammad p.b.u.h.

*was delivered on MSPP Opening Session on Yogyakarta

Islamic Life Guide for Members of Muhammadiyah in the Development of Science and Technology

Taufiqur Rahman, Ph,D.

The Islamic is a set of Islamic values and norms based on Qur’an and Prophetic traditions which can be used as a guidelines for the member of Muhammadiyah in daily life. We have the theological base in Qur’an and Sunnah and also the formal thought of A Great Vision of Muhammadiyah.

The Characteristic of Islamic Life Guide:
1. The fundamental thing in life will be explain
2. Enrichment, so can give us lot of khasanah
3. Actual
4. Objective
5. Ideal
6. Teaching the right
7. Easily understand and implementing

Goal of Islamic Life Guide
To maintain good practices of individual and collective behavior.

Mind-Map of Islamic Life Guide
1. Islam and life
2. Privacy Islamic Life
3. Family Islamic Life
4. Social Islamic Life
5. Organization Islamic Life
6. Charity Institution of Muhammadiyah Development System
7. Business Life
8. Profession Development Life
9. Nationality Life
10. Environmental Conservation
11. Science and Technology Development Life
12. Art and Culture  

Islam and our Life
Islam as a comprehensive way of life should be implemented in our daily life in order to actualized its mission as the grace of universe. It should be have a balance between life of world and the here after. It can be seen on Al-Qashash: 77, that as a Moslem we must be open mind and develop critical thinking. In another verse, Al-Isra: 36, we can conclude that we have not to pursue that of which you have no knowledge. And in different verse, Az-Zumar: 18 explain us who listen to speech and follow the best of it that the ones Allah has guided and those are people who understand.
The people of wisdom/understanding as we known as ULUL ALBAB, which has meaning to has deep intelegence  and conceptual ability on seeing something right (as we can find in Al-Baqoroh:190-191). There is the difference between Science and Islam,
1. Islamization of Science
Science need to be Islamized of at least connected to Islam
2. Scientification of Islam
Islam need to be making up to keep in the modernity
3. Islamic Science
The development of Science based on Qur’an and the prophetic tradition.

Fiqh of Priority on Study Abroad

Forum Group Discussion

As an side effect of study abroad, we have to prepare the thread to survive in overseas, we took 6 point of problems in facing the different culture or island, which are:
1. Halal-Food
Halal Food is the first priority as we seen that eat is an primary needed from everybody. Halal food in overseas in being hard to find, but not really can disturb you to live in there peacefully:
1. if you want to eat rice, you can ask for original food instead of the instant rice or Chinese rice.
2. If you tend to eat halal meat, you can googling it to find the halal butcher.
3. Beware on eating sweet cupcakes or candy, you should see the ingredient and the halal codes
4. Beware on can food too, you should finding the codes and checking the identification of halal codes or you can commit to eat vegan.

2. Five Daily Praying Time
Praying is the Iman foundation as a Moslem, we have to maintain:
1. Because there is no adzan, you can check your own schedule and water to take a wudhu.
2. Because in overseas will be difficult to find a Masjid, try to find out clean place and bring own sajaddah. Not forget to keep in touch to Moslem community.
3. How can we communicate with our supervisor is the important thing to inform him/her personally with open-mind discussion
4. The social factor in campus that should be really pay attention on having/making relationship to have a good friends.
5. In case of the intolerancy of another people, we should act kindly as a good preaching Moslem.

3. Fasting during Ramadhan
The different time zone will make Ramadhan not easy as we in Indonesia, we have condition:
1. the different weather can make the time for fasting longer than in Indonesia, we should pay attention on make our own schedule as reminder.
2. Always keep our faith up to away from the thread in fasting
3. We should balance the nutritious food and drink in order to have a productive day
4. Take a proper rest in night and not to stress out.

4. Sociability with non-Moslem
As we discuss in previous group, we should aware in urgently having/making relationship with friends.

5. Formal-meeting
Gathering, inauguration, or another moment that we must join to our campus friend can be problem if we can not maintain what kind of food they would be serve, or culture that not allowed in Islam. We can list every single culture in overseas during having a best moment, so we can refuse in well-mannered.

6. LDR
The next problem we face in overseas is our long distance with our beloved one. It can be minimizing the conflict if we knew well every leisure time of ours of theirs so we can connect in online chatting or direct live calls.

*was delivered on MSPP opening session on Yogyakarta

Inheriting or Modeling Muhammadiyah Public Figure’s Spirit and Their Nobelities

Delivered by Hendra Darmawan


And let those [executors and guardians] fear [injustice] as if they [themselves] had left weak offspring behind and feared for them. So let them fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.

The verse reminds us, that an organization is being called success when can be determined by the generation. The weak word in the translation of the verse is weak in intellectual, moral, treasure, physical and spiritual, faith and lack of spirit in preaching. It is very alarming if in the cadre system is not educated early on the actual understandings of Islam. Because it is very detrimental for the cadres, when viewed from the value of the success of the organization is the success of process in forming of cadres.

The uswah khasanah told us to:
1. Achievement oriented
Cadre should has the spirit of resulting orientation, risk taker and challenging target, well-inform, diligent to achieve vision and mission.
2. strong Commitment
Cadre must being Altruism, being active on seeking alternation
3. great initiative
The proverb ‘To be good is not enough, you have to be great’ always give us reminder to be brave in break limitation.
4. being Optimistic
Being cadre should never give up through all of challenging thread.

The quality of Cadre: in practice
Ikhlasun Niyyah which have a sincere intention to worshiping through Muhammadiyah way is the most important thing in maintaining the quality of cadre. The second one in order to be settled is Itqanul ‘Amal which is to being professional and have high integrity.

The Manifest of Islamic Implementation of Muhammadiyah Cadre
1. To understand Islam comprehensively (aqidah, worship, akhlaq and muamalah)
2. Having the sincere intention to do something
3. Spreading the Islamic daily life in family
4. Having the spirit of struggling of Islam
5. Time invest in Islam
6. Material invest to Islam.
7. Having the strong principle
8. Follow the right leader or being a wise and good leader
9. Being socialized with ukhuwah islamiyah spirit
10. Being active in the Muhammadiyah preaching personally and collectively
11. Being truthful person

The President of Muhammadiyah in time to time always remind us to be a good leader for our selves or our family and social. Being an altruistic in every moment professionally is a key of being a good leader. Every president of Muhammadiyah has different characteristics in order to rule their members that strong character of theirs are impressive in particular ways.

*was delivered on MSPP opening sessions on Yogyakarta